Leg days, in my opinion, are the best days. My theory behind that is simple. It's the toughest day of the week that brings the most results when it's done right. You shouldn't half ass any workout especially leg workouts. Some people out their workout, but they don't workout. They don't know how to push themselves push their breaking point. They need to understand that it's ok if your quads are about to burst due to the massive pump and that one more set may just do that. It's ok when that happens because when it does, that means your training right. The gym is your save haven. It's the one place where you can be yourself, grunt, curse, etc and 95% of the members understand and won't say anything because they are doing the same thing you are.
As some already know, I have my legs broken up into 2 days. 1 day focuses on quads, adductors, abductors, calves and abs. The 2nd day hits hamstrings, adductors, abductors, calves and abs. I like training it this way because you get to focus on corresponding group for 60 to 90 minutes.
Just below is my current quad training program. Please note, no matter what I'm training, I always foam roll and stretch for at least 10 to 15 minutes.
- Foam Roll / Stretch
Best thing ever invented. It's like a free massage waking up all the tight joints and knots. Amazing!
- Leg Extensions: 4-5 sets of 15-20 reps
Lightweight throughout. I do this to warm up my joints and to get the blood flow going
- Free Motion Squat Machine: 1 warm up set of 20 reps / 4 working sets 8-12 reps
I have lower back pain and at times it gets pretty annoying, but it doesn't stop me from training heavy.
I switch back forth between this and the super squat machine. I'm able to squat deep while having back
support, which is huge for me. It feels like a regular squat, but at the same time it doesn't.
Vertical Leg Press
- Vertical Leg Press: 1 warm up set of 20 reps / 3-4 working sets 6-12 reps
I love this machine! If you haven't used this because it's pretty rare these days, you need to try it. It really
stresses the upper quad area and is a relativity easy motion.
- Leg Press: 4 heavy sets 5-10 reps
Yea I know. Two leg presses in the same day aren't the norm for most people, but its like any other
muscle group out their. Every angle counts!
Sissy Squat
- Leg Extensions & Sissy Squats: Heavy extensions 8-12 reps followed by Sissy Squats
It's the last exercise for quads, so why not blast them to holy hell.
After quads, I go onto abductors and adductors then calves. These two groups are vital, especially for bodybuilders / fitness competitors because when the side profile hits, everything has to look good.
Remember, always be smart in anything you do. This is a quad program I personally do that may not work for you. Find what works best for you because at the end of the day, you know your body the best.
Love Life And Squat!
Alex Viruet
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